
The Media War against Libya: Justifying War Through Lies and Fabrications!

The events which were conducive to the NATO-led war on Libya, including the enormous media distortion and misinformation have played a major role in opening the door of war in North Africa. The "media" has done nothing less than create create a justification for war through a series of lies. The starting epicenter of the violence in Libya was Benghazi, which is located within the boundaries of the coastal region of Cyrenaica or Barqua. According to the US government's own sources: On the evening of February 15, 2011, the demonstrations began, when several hundred people gathered in front of the Benghazi police headquarters to protest the arrest of an attorney and human rights activist Fethi Tarbel. As the February 17 "day of rage" neared, protests escalated in Benghazi police headquarters to protest the arrest of attorney and human rights activist Fethi Tarbei. As the February 17 deadline "day of rage" neared, protests escalated in Benghazi police headquarters to protest the arrest of attorney and human rights activist Fethi Tarbei. There were multiple reports of protesters setting police and other government buildings on fire.

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