
Mike Whitney: Was Dominique Strauss-Kahn Trying to Torpedo the Dollar?

Our entire world is based on "perception management". The media is trying to dig up as much dirt as they canon Dominique Strauss-Kahn, so that they can hang the man before he ever sees the inside of a courthouse. It reminds me of the Terry Schiavo case, where devoted-husband Michael was pegged as an insensitive slime-ball for carrying out the explicit wishes of his brain-dead wife. Do you remember how the media conducted their their disgraceful 24-hour-a-day "Blitzkrieg" with the endless coverage of weepy Christian fanatics on the front lawn of the hospital, while Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly fired away with their sanctimonious claptrap? Now you're telling me that the same media is just "doing their job?". Give me a break! Whoever wants to nail the IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has already pulled out all of the stops. Their agents have been rummaging through diaries, hotel registries, phone records, yearbooks, etc. etc. The UK Telegraph even paid a visit to a high-priced DC shop to get a little dirt from Madame Botox - whatever it takes to make a randy banker look like a South Hill rapist, and they are doing a good job! The cops have made certain that that the "Great Seducer" always appears handcuffed, and dressed as a pervert with three-days stubble before they parade him in front of the media.

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