
Stephen Lendman: Solidarity With Palestine!

Massive crowds assembled in Cairo's Liberation Square, displaying banners, proclaiming: "The People want the Rafah Crossing Opened", and "Palestine is an Arab State". Though Egypt's spring hasn't bloomed, its spirit pervades Tahrir, possibly suggesting that renewed uprisings lie ahead. Perhaps Egypt's solidarity march will inspire the liberation of Jerusalem. On May 14, marchers headed for Gaza, and protesters demonstrated in front of Israel's Giza embassy, and the home of its ambassador. The groups participating with the demonstrations include - the National Front for Justice and Democracy, Cairo University's Supporters of the Palestinian Revolution, the Justice and Freedom Youth Movement, Kifaya, We are All the Resistance Movement, Helwan University Resistance Movement, Ultras Ahlawy Ahly football club supporters, Zamalek club White Knights, Activists for Palestine, the Palestinian Women's Coalition, the April 6 Movement, the Nasserist Party. Before the May 15 demonstrations, Haaretz writers Anshel Pfeffer, Jack Khoury and Nir Hasson headlined, "Israeli - Palestinian tensions rise in Jerusalem, the West Bank, as Nabka Day nears!

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