
US rejects Qaddafi Ceasefire Offer as "Not Credible"!

Not Credible, my Ass: What the US and its client NATO really wants from Libya, is an abject surrender of all oil fields and whatever money they still have in their bank! Of course such a demand from NATO amounts to blatant "highway robbery". Therefore, forces still loyal to Gaddafi bombarded the rebel-held city of Misurata with mortars. The bombardment of Misurata was the heaviest for days, and came as western leaders - read highway robbers - were gathering for a "Group of Eight" summit in the French seaside resort of Deauville, were expected to "reiterate" their determination to force Colonel Qaddafi out. Rebel spokesmen in Misurata, the scene of some of the fiercest fighting in Libya's three-month conflict, said the mortars killed three rebels. There is a German word for this: "Willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, schlag ich dir den Schaedel ein", translated: If you don't want to be my brother, I'll beat your scull in, and that is what is really going in Libya: The stealing of that country's oil, which belongs to the citizens of that country! Spain said it was one of several foreign states contacted by the Libyan prime minister, al Baghdadi Ali al Mahmoudi, with an offer of an immediate ceasefire. The US House of Representatives will vote next week on a bill calling on President Obama to end the US military campaign in Libya. The announcement was made by the office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Friday evening. The measure will be a rebuff of President Obama's earlier letter to congressional leaders, seeking support for the US military involvement in Libya. The measure, sponsored by liberal anti-war Rep. Dennis Kucinich cites the 1973 War Powers Resolution, which states that "any military operation not previously authorized by Congress must be halted 60 days after the president notifies Congress about the mission"! Pursuant to the the War Powers Resolution, the Kucinich measure reads, Congress "directs the President to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya by not later than the date that is 15 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution." Meanwhile, the House on Thursday overwhelmingly voted to prohibit ground troops from being sent to Libya, and only narrowly defeated a measure to force President Obama to lay out plans to end the Afghanistan war. The measure, passed by a 416-5 vote, was an amendment to a $690 defense bill that also limits Obama's authority on handling "terror suspects" and reducing the US nuclear weapons stockpile under the new START treaty with Russia!

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