
Bill Boyarsky: Spare Us the Propaganda on Afghanistan!!!

First of all, let's discard all the bullshit about making a world free for Obama, and any other "perp" who will ultimately inherit the "Presidency" of our United States! Like those in our American jails, I have done my time in Germany and Vietnam, including a visit from Steve Mayfield, a Central Intelligence Operative, who tried to persuade me to become a spy for our country in the former East Germany! My boss, Colonel Antero Aakkula, warned me: "This is Not James Bond" If you take this assignment, you will end up in a rat-infested East German Jail, and our US government will certainly not bother to lift a finger to try to get you out! Since my attachment to the Colonel was extremely important, I decided to follow his advice: He was the first, and only person in our Army, whom I trusted. But back to Afghanistan: The White House account of President Barrack Obama's meeting with his Afghanistan Team was insultingly vague, for anyone wanting to know when -or if- the Afghanistan war will end. After Monday's session, which followed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' much publicized trip to Afghanistan, this was all that was available on the White House web site: "The President led his monthly meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan with his national security team this morning. During this session, the President received briefings on progress in implementing our strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan with his national security team this morning. During the session, the President received briefings on progress in implementing our strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, following the death of Osama bin Laden. Nowhere was there a hint of an answer to a question a soldier asked Gates during his Afghanistan tour, as reported by The Los Angeles Times. The question was, "Sir, since the death of Osama bin Laden, has the military changed at all?" His answer, versions of which were given at other bases Gates visited, was, "We've made a lot of headway, but we have ways to go." Just how far to go in this purposeless war is the subject of the current internal debate in Washington, one that is so heavy in muddy language that it is impossible for outsiders to follow, but the truth is, it's probably already settled: We are stuck in Afghanistan as long as Obama follows his present policy. On one side of the charade of a debate, according to The New York Times, are Gates and others in the Pentagon, who favor a small beginning to the troop withdrawal that Obama promised to begin next month. On the other side, the New York Times reported, is Vice President Joe Biden and others, who want a faster withdrawal, presumably something substantial that Obama can take to the voters in the 2012 presidential election, which Obama is certain to lose!

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