
Brian E. Muhammad: Gold, Oil, Africa, and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead

The war in Libya, designed to kill Muammar Gadhafi, and to eradicate his vision for Africa is getting progressively worse! Observers say implementing his vision would change the world power equation and threaten Western hegemony. In response, the United States and its NATO "partners" have determined that the Libyan leader must resign, or risk being killed, a fate that has already resulted in the murder of one of his sons. "If they kill Brother Gadhafi, I submit to you that American interests in Africa will certainly come under a severe strain, warned Minister Louis Farrakhan on WPFW-FM's "Spectrum Today" program with Askia Muhammad. "That man has invested in Africa more than any other leader in the recent history of Africa's coming into political independence," he continued. The Muslim leader said America needs access to the mineral resources in Africa to be a viable power in the 21st century. Minister Farrakhan further pointed out that in the April 1 radio interview that the current plot to kill Colonel Gadhafi comes at a time of great distress and decline for America. The fall of the dollar is a manifest loss of America's prestige and influence among the nations of the earth, and an indicator of its end. "How is America's wealth today? How is she doing financially? What is the deficit? Some say it's about $56 trillion, counting Social Security and Medicare. That's a big number. She's printing money, but there's nothing backing it," said Minister Farrakhan. That's a big number. In his book,"The Fall of America" Elijah Muhammad wrote: "The English pound and the American dollar have been the power and beckoning light of these two great powers, but when the world went off the gold and silver standard, the financial doom of England and America was sealed". The Fall of America is now visible and understandable.

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