
Deborah Dupre: NATO Inflicted Deaths are NOT just "Propaganda"

Deborah Dupre doubts the "New York Times" report, calling Libyan civilian casualties propaganda which does NOT square with a series of WBAIX in-hospital interviews by Joshalyn Lawrence, that show civilian victim survivors of US/NATO intensifying bomb raids, both witnessed by a human rights fact-finding mission, including Cynthia McKinney and former members of parliament, who have called our mission in Libya "NATO SPIN". "Sightings of civilian casualties have been rare", reported Burns on June 6. "Visits to bombing sites, hospitals and funerals have produced a succession of blunders, including patients identified as bombing victims who turned out not to be, empty coffins at funerals and burials where some of those interred turned out not to be airstrike victims at all." The Lawrence videos, on the WBAIX channel, of hospitalized civilians is evidence that, rather than injuries and killings by bombs being "rare", or reporting "blunders", they are realities. Graphic images of the wounded are documented in the WBAIX videos created by Joshalyn Lawrence. In the videos, one after another of wounded innocent civilians described atrocities to Cynthia McKinney, in a fact-finding mission with a team, including a delegation of former MP's and professors from France, all now in Tripoli.

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