
Hossein-Zadeh: Why Regime Change in Libya?

As we know, the brutal death and destruction which our US and NATO descended on Libya is undeniable evidence that contrary to the peaceful protests by demonstrators in Egypt and other parts of the Arab world, we must ask: Why regime change in Libya? Though oil is undoubtedly a major concern, it does not provide a satisfactory explanation of Obama's attempted rape of that country. Since Gaddafi relented to to the US-UK pressure in 1993, and established "normal" economic and diplomatic relations with Western countries, major US and European oil companies struck lucrative deals with the National Oil Corporation of Libya. Why do imperialist powers also want to overthrow Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Fidel Castro in Cuba, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, Rafael Correa Delgado of Ecuador, Kim Jong-Il of North Korea, Bashar Al-Assad of Syria, and Evo Morales of Bolivia, or why did they overthrow Mohammad Mossadeq of Iran, Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala, Kusno Sukarno of Indonesia, Salvador Allende of Chile, Sandanistas in Nicaragua, Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti, and Manuel Zelaya in Honduras? The difference between them and Gaddafi is of course obvious: Gaddafi is guilty of insubordination to the proverbial "godfather" of the world - US imperialism and its allies! Like them, he has committed the cardinal sin of challenging the unbridled reign of global capital, of not following the economic "guidelines" of the captains of global finance, ie: of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and World Trade Associations, as well as refusing to join US military alliances in the region.

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