
Libya Fights Back: Gadhafi's forces attack rebels!

Mommar Gadhafi's forces struck back on three fronts Monday, using fighter jets, special forces units and regular army troops in an escalation of hostilities. As the Pentagon began repositioning Navy warships to support a "possible humanitarian" or military intervention, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told the Libyan leader to surrender power. I just wish she had the guts to give the same ultimatum to Obama! As the Pentagon began repositioning Navy warships to support the "so-called humanitarian intervention"? Their battle-cry was: Surrender your oil immediately, or die, in other words, our invasion of Iraq, revisited! Nevertheless, in some of the harshest language yet, from a US official, UN envoy Susan Rice accused Gadhafi of "slaughtering his own people" and being "disconnected from reality". In my honest opinion, it is Ms. Rice who should heed her own warning, if she can tell right from wrong. Libyan authorities blamed Islamic radicals and the West, which is my honest opinion as well! At a news conference for foreign journalists in Tripoli, spokesman Musa Ibrahim denied reports that Gadhafi's loyalists had turned their guns on civilians. "No massacres, no bombardments, no reckless violence against civilians", said a Libyan government spokesman, comparing Libya's situation to that of Iraq before the US invasion in 2003! Street battles raged in Misurata and Zawiyah, two important breakaway cities near Tripoli, the nation's capital and principal Gadhafi stronghold. The UN refugee agency called the situation a humanitarian emergency, as workers with suitcases and their possessions stood in long lines to leave Libya, many of them uncertain how they would finally get home!

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