
Ray McGovern: Will Israelis Kill Americans Again?

When I stuffed my backpack to board "The Audacity of Hope", the US boat to Gaza, I received a call from a puzzled friend, who advised me: "You know they kill Americans, don't you?" When I served as Intelligence Operations Officer of the American 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen I intercepted an emergency call from the USS Liberty, which was being strafed by our Israeli "Allies", until most of their crew had been killed. General Sherrer, the commander of our division had only one comment: "With 'friends' like these, we have no need of enemies"! But I digress - Ray McGovern, who boarded The Audacity of Hope, was cautioned by friends, not to board that ship. He was also cautioned by a source with access to very senior staffers at the National Security Council that NOT ONLY does the White House plan to do absolutely nothing to protect the Americans on board from Israeli attack or illegal boarding, but that White House officials "would be happy if something happened to us". They are, I am reliably told,"perfectly willing to have the cold corpses of activists shown on American TV." Bedrock American virtues like honesty and honor seem in very short supply these days, having been sacrificed on the altar of fear and overweening concern for "security". Most Americans are used to watching their tax dollars enable the worst kinds of brutality abroad!

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