
Sarah Jaffe: Dwindling Jobs and Mounting Loans for College Graduates!

White Woman Speak Truth: However, our idiotic "President" does NOT seem to care what is about to happen to our country: Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 face an unemployment rate nearly twice that of the rest of the population, according to data from the "Economic Policy Institute". 2010's 18.4 percent rate for youth was the worst in the 60 years that economists have collected such data. Color lines notes that in 2010, 8.4 percent of white college graduates were unemployed, but so were 13.8 percent of Latino graduates, and a "dismal" 19 percent of black graduates. All too often, those bright, shiny new degrees simply aren't worth the paper they are printed on. My undergraduate degree was from Sam Houston College in Huntsville, Texas, and my MBA came from "The University of Texas at Arlington", but I digress: Between those two schools came my service as Intelligence Operations Officer for the 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, where Steve Mayfield, a Central Intelligence Man, fresh from Vietnam, tried to persuade me to become a spy for the CIA in East Germany. Although, for a time, I considered his offer, my boss, Colonel Aantero Aakkula, stopped me dead in my tracks: "This is NOT James Bond". If you should be temped to take his offer, let me tell you: The Communist Intelligence People will find you, and you will spend the rest of your time in some dingy East German Jail, and the Americans will not even try to get you out. So I went to Vietnam instead: First as Civil Affairs Officer, and later as Advisory Team Leader in Kontum and Trung Lap, the heart of the so-called "Iron Triangle". Despite all odds, I managed to survive, and remain true to my father's comment: Take care of your men, or do not return to our house! Of course, I was able to keep my promise. After all, I am a Tchermann, and vi take care of those who depend on us!

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