
Scott Tucker: War Against War: Bradley Manning's Mind!

When I served in Vietnam as Advisory Team Leader in Trung Lap, in the heart of the "Iron Triangle" I would have been eternally thankful to have a man like Bradley Manning watching my back! Am investigative video created by The Guardian examines alleged WikiLeaker Bradley Manning's "psychologically condition" before he was dispatched to Iraq, where our Army decided to steal that country's oil, after roughing up their ctizens! Granted, concluding that he was probably not fit for overseas duty, and that security at his station was remarkably lax. The additional reporting provides a fuller picture of Manning's motivations, and discloses just how easy it was for him to hijack classified intelligence. Without our defense, a prisoner like Bradley Manning is defenseless against the media, the military and the government. We can at least spread the word about the Bradley Manning Support Network (http://www.bradleymanning.org/learn-more). Why is Manning's mind the only relevant sign of weakness, disability and pathology in the big media stories so far? Why not the sorry condition of our "corporate state", passing as a so- democratic republic? What is the "normal" psychology of soldiers allowed to beat up someone because he's not much above 5 feet tall? A shame, really, that only Senator Rand Paul, Republican from Kentucky, held out so stubbornly against a bipartisan majority on the issue of individual rights?

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