
Devon DB: America - An Empire in Decline!

Our "American Empire" came into full being after its main rival, the Soviet Union, collapsed. The US then found itself as the world's sole military and economic Superpower. With this new found position in the world, America could have used its power to help those in need and aid in global security. However, the events of 9/11 changed all of this, and the US went from a once proud, powerful, law-abiding nation to what it is today: "A declining empire that is virtually bankrupt and has moved from using diplomacy to a "might makes right" mindset, as well as trying to make certain that new powers-that new powers, such as China, do not threaten its dominance. This series is an examination of how that downfall took place, how the US strayed from its original military, economic, and foreign policy plans to become an empire in decline, from the 1990's to the present day, ending with an analysis of what may lay in the future for the Empire. During the Cold War, the US had troops stationed all over the world from Europe to Asia. Its military doctrine consisted of a policy of containing the Soviets and battling the "Communist Threat", where-ever it was. Battling this threat meant overthrowing leftist governments in Latin America, Asia, and Europe, or supporting right-wing death squads, or what else was seen in Latin America. Despite this, it seemed that after the Soviet Union fell, the US would change its military doctrine. Even though the US was now the world's unrivaled superpower, it still planned to: "devote the necessary resources to military, diplomatic, intelligence and other efforts" to maintain its global leadership position and also wanted to "shape the international environment through a variety of means, including diplomacy, economic cooperation, international assistance, arms control and nonproliferation, and health initiatives" to establish and keep the new status-quo.

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