
Greenspan-Guidotti: How Does America rank on the Greenspan-Guidotti Scale? It's a guaranteed default!

The only way out of our dilemma is to raise interest rates as the US dollar begins to fail, which already began in the summer of 2010. Those who want to make 2.15% on an investment must leave it invested for 10 years. On the other hand, US business can money at auction basically free from the central bank for .25%, invest it in T-bonds and make 1.9% free! When the world finds out about this ponzi scheme, the jig will be up. With the US government planning to spend an extra $7.7 trillion and a national deficit of more than twelve trillion dollars, it sounds as though the American public will be paying for this for the rest of their lives. Obama has a lot to deal with, with a $12 trillion debt that will increase by at least 10% in a single year. It is amazing that Bush managed to nearly double the US national debt during his time in office. With a GDP of only about $14 trillion, that debt load must be looking pretty scary for Americans. Actually, there will soon be a "run on the dollar". Porter Stanberry writes: It's one of those numbers that's so unbelievable, that you actually have to think about it for a while! Within the next 12 months, the US Treasury will have to refinance $2 trillion in short-term debt, not counting any additional deficit spending, which is estimated to be around $1.5 trillion. Put the two numbers together, then ask yourself, how in the world can the Treasury borrow $3.5 trillion in only one year? That's an amount equal to to nearly 30% of our entire GDP, and we're the world's "biggest" economy. Where will the money come from? How did we end up with so much short-term debt? Like most entities that have far too much debt, whether sub-prime borrowers, GM, Fannie, or GE -the US treasury has tried to minimize its interest burden by borrowing for short durations and then "rolling over" the loans when they come due. As they say on Wall Street: "A rolling debt collects no moss." Will Speaker Boehner cave on the Debt Ceiling, or will you help Ron Paul fight to prevent a Debt Ceiling Betrayal? Don't forget: "It's YOUR MONEY'. As long as Speaker Boehner refuses to take a clear stand in support of only passing a debt ceiling if a strict "Cut, Cap, and Balance" plan is also enacted,then he's just playing "Let's Make a Deal" with America's future! Please sign the petition to your representatives and senators DEMANDING that they reject any business as usual "deal", and join Ron Paul in signing the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge IMMEDIATELY.

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