
James P. Tucker Jr: Can Anyone Stop Bilderberg's Lust For War?

Barack Obama says the US role in invading Libya is not a "war" because it is limited to air strikes. By the same logic, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec.7, 1941 was not "war" because Japan had no boots on the ground. Patriots know that President Franklin D. Roosevelt baited the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor to get the US into World War II. By going to war, the Great Depression could be ended as 12 million men got jobs carrying guns, and millions more would be employed making tanks, jeeps, planes, bombs, bullets, bayonets, and other war material. This also benefits the Bilderberg and similar groups, which are heavily invested in manufacturing goods to kill people. "Americans buy war like children gobble candy," laughed Henry Kissinger, a longtime Bilderberg luminary. "Of course, President Obama has to be publicly reluctant to go to war, but we can depend on him."The so-called Bilderbergers are frankly worried that their campaign to expand the Libyan invasion into a bloodbath in the Middle East may face difficult obstacles. House Speaker John Boehner threatened to withhold funds for the war, suggesting that Congress could take action at any moment: "We have drone attacks under way, we're spending $10 million a day, and we are part of the effort to drop bombs on Qadaffi's compound. It doesn't pass the straight-face test." Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.), a decorated combat veteran and member of the Armed Services Committee, scoffed at the "not at war" claim. "Spending a billion dollars and dropping bombs on people sounds like hostilities to me," he told the Associated Press!

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