
John Kozy: Our Disintegrating Economic "Recovery"?

Our country is "riddled" with idiots who believe that one day, a "president", the one who reads us fairy tales from his "invisible teleprompter" tries to tell us that "all is well". Who, pray tell, is going to "get back" what has been brutally taken from him, when the economy "recovers". That successful, inveterate liars consistently use a specific group of practices has been known for ages. They, for instance, give long winded answers to question, distract, and confuse the questioner, make assertions that can't be easily easily refuted, and keep from saying very much that is specific, making it difficult to confirm or refute details. One prevalent way Obama has of doing this, is to speak metaphorically. Those of you old enough, like me, who served in Vietnam as advisory team leader, and who drank at least a six-pack of beer before taking my jeep down a heavily mined road, so that the rest of my could return safely to their families. Those who served in that war with me, remember that whenever General Westmorland was asked how the war was going, he replied that "there was light at the end of the tunnel". Of course there was, since it is well known that a tunnel receives light from both of its opposite ends, but is usually dug to lay tracks for a fast-moving freight train. At the same moment when I was serving in Vietnam, we were mortared many, many times, and I kept my team safe and sound despite that fact. Likewise President Obama is addicted to vapid metaphors, which were presented to him by an assistant: "The US still has a "big hole to fill", "There are going to be bumps in the road", and "we're on the right track". The latter remark made me visualize a freight train running over Obama's prone body, for all the world to see, and believe there is still hope in this world, before we go on to the next. Words, words, words: What have these to do with "recovery". "My neighbor has recovered from pneumonia" usually means his previously impaired lungs are now working normally!" The word recover always has the connotation of "getting back", but who or what is going to get back when the economy "recovers". You see, the word 'recovery' is just another vapid metaphor, and it means nothing!

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