
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Divide and Conquer: A Project to Create THREE Libya'sE

The division of Libya into three separate countries is part of the US-NATO imperial design, a project shared by the US, Britain, Italy, and France. Before my family and I left Germany, these same "victorious allies" decided they could divide Germany also into as many parts, but they recanted when it seemed certain that they needed our foolish citizens to help fight the wars among the "Victors". The NATO war launched against Libya in March 2011 was similarly designed to break up that country into three separate entities. After all, it's FUN to play GOD, isn't it? The mainstream media, as usual, kowtowing to their masters, has been a major force in this war. They have endorsed and fabricated the news, and justified an illegal and criminal war against an entire population (deja-vu?). Passing through the neighborhood of Fashloom in Tripoli, it is apparent that no jets attacked it, as Al Jazeera and the BBC falsely claimed. Now, the same media networks, newspapers, and wire services claim on a daily basis that Tripoli is about to fall, and that the Transitional Council is making new advances to various cities. The mainstream media reporting from Tripoli have consistently produced false reports, including information from "secure internet services", which describe embassy and intelligence communication media.

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