
Pravda: Don't Trust Them, Muammar

Rumors are flying around NATO, offering an under-the-table deal to Colonel Gaddafy to step down and receive a "declaration of immunity" in return. The problem is that NATO's word has absolutely no credibility! NATO has lied time and time again, first to Russia, stating it would move not move eastward and encroach into former Warsaw Pact countries, but instead decided to encircle the Baltic States to the north, including Poland and Bulgaria to the west, Turkey to the south, and even Georgia. The same nations sought a "casus belli" to invade Iraq, lying to create a reason for war against the country. Supposedly, Saddam Hussein had tried to get yellow-cake uranium from Niger. The American media demonised the Iraqi president to prepare the US for an undeclared war against him. To top it off, the same media tried to link Saddam with Al-Qaeda, even though he and bin Laden hated each other. Now, NATO is lying about the possible reason for a new war, claiming that innocent civilians are being massacred in Libya. The truth is that Gaddafi is genuinely popular in his country, but that important truth is kept from Americans by a gullible, cowardly press!

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