
To Paraphrase Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: YES! THERE IS SOMETHING ROTTEN in AMERICA!!e

The division of Libya into three separate countries is part of the US-NATO imperial design, a project shared by the US, Britain, Italy, and France. The NATO war launched against Libya in March of 2011 was really geared toward the breakup of the country into three separate entities. However, this NATO war is now backfiring: The Libyan people have now united to save their county, and Tripoli is exploring its strategic options. You are now witnessing the NATO led war back firing, since the Libyan people have united to save their country, and what's more, Tripoli is rapidly exploring its strategic options. The "mainstream media" has been a major force in this war! Having endorsed and fabricated the news, they have endorsed and fabricated the news, and these false fabrications have justified an illegal and criminal war against an entire population. Passing through the neighborhood of Fashloom in Tripoli, it is apparent that NO Jets have attacked it, as Al Jazeera and the BBC have falsely claimed. Now, the same media networks, newspapers, and wire services claim on a daily basis that Tripoli is about to fall, and that the "Transitional Council" is making new advances to various cities. Unfortunately for these idiots, Tripoli is nowhere near falling, and it is relatively peaceful these days! Foreign journalists have been taken to all of these affected areas, and they are all peaceful and quiet! The mainstream media reporting from Tripoli have deliberately painted a false picture of Libya as a country on the brink of collapse, and Colonel Qaddafi as a despot with very little support. Strangely, a journalist was filmed wearing a bullet-proof vest for his report in a peaceful area, where there was no need of that sort of defensive armor. Not only are the foreign media actively misreporting, but they are gladly, and deliberately serving the interests of the military coalition.

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