
Weldon Berger: Millionaires Gather to Steal From the Old, the Sick, and the Poor!!

The rich are never, if possible, ashamed to steal from the poor. It has always been like that, and, as they say: "The beat goes on, the beat goes on!" Nobody in Congress will ever have to rely on Social Security to remain solvent, or on Medicare or Medicaid to stay alive. On rare occasions, the press might mention that even the most impoverished inhabitants of Congress , even if they never have to work, have no other income, and never get a dime from Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid remain solvent. The 2009 financial disclosure numbers show Joe Biden as one of the few people involved in the negotiations who wasn't worth something comfortably in the seven figure range during that year. The average net worth of the people who will be voting on the fate of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid was about $3.4 million in the House and an astonishing $13.6 million in the Senate, and that was only in 2009, when the stock market was struggling for most of the year and investment portfolios had taken massive hits, but Congress still had 237 millionaires, almost 45% of the 535 federal legislators. Of course, Biden isn't the only participant skating close to the financial edge. John Boehner and Barack Obama may each have been worth as little as $2 million in 2009 (or as much as $14 million, but they're worth it?)
So too might Eric "Robespierre" Cantor, who appears intent on inflicting his own version of the "Reign of Terror" on the least of us.

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