
JoAnne Moriarty: Obama's NATO Slaughter of Libyan Civilians Continues

NATO wants desperately to take Zawia, so that they can stop ALL supplies to Tripoli. Today, Sky news reported a huge lie about how everyone in Zawia is happy about the rebels, but that is very, very far from the truth. They are now openly admitting that they have foreign troops and their weapons in their midst. NATO wants to kill everyone, including civilians, who might get in their way of taking over the Libyan Government. In fact, NATO sent 17 bombs into civilian neighbor -hoods the night before, and inserted Apache gunships to finish their task. According to our inside sources, Zawia is the rebels' desperate attempt at a "last stand". They are now in their death stance, and NATO is desperate and frantic. The rebels have lost Misurata, Zlitan, and many other areas. Therefore they are now up to the killing of unarmed civilians. As a follower of these events, ask how they can take Tripoli, where two million people are armed, and where the entire country is completely against them? The answer is that Libya will become a police state, NATO will, and already has become a terrorist organization, guided by the idiot Obama! Right now, NATO is using American made Apache helicopters to kill civilians who are only celebrating the rout of of rebel gangs from their city! US hardware is killing unarmed civilians, and NATO was, according to Obama, never authorized to fire on them. Huge helicopter directed fire has inflicted massive casualties, and both the UN and NATO charters have been destroyed. All of the Libyan civilians have told us that they are now fighting for their country as well as their culture, so they have decided to serve both, including their outstanding ruler Gaddafi. As the witnesses to the entire world, we say: "Stop this inhumanity, stop the killing, stop the siege against the innocents of Libya!!

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