
John Stanton: Does Our US Seek World War III?

These are gruesome days, and the "Single Bullet Doctrine" rules. The world is truly adrift and on the brink of global "something". In our USA, everyone can feel it. The US system of government is often described as a layer cake: Federal on top, State in the middle, and Local at the bottom. That cake is now a mess. The frosting (the sweet taste of the American Way of life) is now a mess: The bitter taste of economic insecurity and uncertainty is everywhere in our country, while the state and local layers are drying up and crumbling, as the economic crisis is causing them to jettison labor and safety-net programs! In addition, the cost for our country's care for returning military personnel, and the heavy burden that involves make life even more difficult. Listening to America's "leaders", one is tempted to think that their "grand solution"merely involves starting World War III, or the invasion of a relatively small country like Iran. What is "Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta" likely to dream up next: Early in his "career" he fanned the flames of war against Iraq, describing their citizens and their leader as "evil". Unfortunately, he is not the only moron in our government. What infinite horizons is CIA Director David Petraeus going to open next, to provide more adventure for our battle-weary soldiers. Fortunately, the former General's version of Iraq 'success' is being challenged from within. Nonetheless, if Obama ascends to the Presidency again, Petraeus will likely become Secretary of Defense. In the "daydream world", the US and Iran 'could' work together in Iraq and help to diffuse the violence in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and other countries in the region, but most Americans have little hope for such an outcome.

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