
Mahmoud Abbas: PA Calls for UN Meeting on Gaza

Mahmoud Abbas, the Acting Palestinian Authority, has called for an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the ongoing Israeli air attacks on the Gaza Strip. He has instructed the Palestinian representative to the UN, Riyad Mansour, to call the meeting, Ma'an News Agency reported on Saturday. The developments come as continuous Israeli air raids targeting the impoverished Gaza Strip in the past three days have killed at least 16 Palestinians and injured a further 45 others so far. By the way, when I was the Intelligence Operations Officer of our 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany, I had intercepted an emergency transmission from the American ship USS Pueblo, requesting help from our fighter planes, because OUR Israeli "friends" were machine gunning their crew, in an attempt to sink our ship. At the time, General Sherrer, our commander, commented: "With friends like the Israelis, we have no need of enemies" Truer words were never spoken! Yet our idiotic "Congress" continues to shower the evil Israeli "government" with funds to wreak havoc on our ships and their Arab neighbors! Like my former commander, Mahmoud Abbas knows the evil nature of the Israelis, and after the continuing air attacks against his Palestinians, he has called on the Arab League to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Gaza. The AL Deputy Secretary General Ahmad Bin Helli announced on Saturday that the 22-member organization would hold an urgent meeting on the level of the permanent delegates on Sunday to discuss the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. However, Israel began launching its air strikes on the Gaza Strip late Thursday. Moreover, Israel "has claimed that it launched the attacks in response to assaults that targeted two buses, and a military vehicle near the Red Sea resort of Eilat, in southern Israel, which allegedly left weight Israelis dead. Hamas said that it had nothing to do with the assault, and warned against any act of aggression against the "Gaza Strip". AND THE BEAT GOES ON!!!

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