
Theunjustmedia News & Perspectives: Is our US government being honest with us?

Whenever American Soldiers die in combat, as I can relate, based on my combat experience in Vietnam, our "wonderful government" appears to need a reason for their untimely deaths. As the advisory team leader in Trung Lap, in the heart of the so-called "Iron Triangle" I watched as our Chinook helicopters brought load after load of dead American soldiers into my compound, and had them stack like cord-wood at the end of my runway, which was made entirely from solid steel planking. It seems that there had been a large "operation", and these were our soldiers who had not survived. The silly one star general, who came in a light helicopter "to chew my ass", because I had not permitted his "air assets", as he liked to call them to complete their task of killing enemy soldiers in the nearby rubber plantation, did not arouse any pity in my heart, since I was still focused on the many American soldiers lying there behind him. I had joined the indigenous forces from the village of Trung Lap in fighting the enemy in the rubber trees during the previous night, and had cut the general's "air assets", as he called them, loose, after the helicopters helped us to survive that ordeal. The little tiny general, while I stunk to high heaven, still smelled of after- shave, and a secure environment. Like the soldiers of the "Vietcong", the soldiers of the "Mujahideen" in Afghanistan have a right to fight for the freedom of their country, as we Americans did, when the British tried to keep us as their "colony".

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