
Tomgram: Uncovering the Military's Secret Military

The "Abbottabad" raid was NOT DEVGRU's maiden venture into Pakistan. The team had surreptitiously entered the country on ten to twelve previous occasions, according to a special operations officer who is intensely familiar with the bin Laden raid. DEVRU is the acronym for the NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, better known as SEAL Team Six, the elite special operations outfit that supposedly killed Bin Laden, though others will tell you that bin Laden, who suffered from various illnesses, died in a mountain cave many miles from Pakistan, and that Obama ordered this fake raid to embellish this so-called raid to claim that HE had initiated this futile raid, just to look good on paper. His "alleged" assassination of bin Laden was never an objective, but was brought on by a blitz of media coverage, but who knew that the same SEAL team had been dropped into Pakistan to do who knows what 10 to 12 times before the alleged bin Laden mission happened? Not most Pakistanis,nor 99.99% of Americans. Keep in mind that this was only a team of 23 elite troops, plus a translator and a dog (the latter to add some reality to this fake mission). But there are now about 20,000 full-time special operations types, at least 13,000 of them deployed somewhere abroad, even at this moment. In other words, we simply don't know the half of it, or even the tenth of it, neither the breadth or number of their missions, nor the range of their targets. According to Schmidle again, on the day of the bin Laden raid, special operations forces in nearby Afghanistan conducted 12 other night raids. Almost 2,000 of them have been carried out in the last couple of years. These are staggering figures, and since we didn't know that US special operations forces were secretly conducting Pakistan missions in such numbers, it might be worth asking what else we don't know.

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