
Henry Makow: Wikileaks, Pretext for Internet Censorship!

Ultimately, internet control is part and parcel of the technocracy (http://www.vimeo.com/28247826) movement. This movement seeks total scientific control of our lives via technological means: Few people realize that Wikileaks is actually a pawn in the global chess game designed to advance total control by "the technocracy." This technocracy promotes the idea that democracy was a sham, and that scientists and engineers working for the Illuminati bankers should take over the reins of government. The "modus operandi" is the Hegelian Dialectic. You may find it in practically every event unfolding in our lives: First, they put their plan on paper. Subsequently, they stage the necessary problem and blame it on someone else. Third, they readily provide the solution. In the Wikileaks case, their goal is total internet control. Thus they need a "false flag" attack to serve as a pretext for a crackdown. Given there are really no terrorists, or very few with the capability to carry this out, they need to do it themselves, and blame it on so-called terrorist patsies such as Wikileaks. Finally, they declare that too much damage has been done to infrastructure and national security via the leaking of documents, and that a Cybersecurity Act should be passed to establish total control over the over the internet electronic highway, something which they have already accomplished in our physical world via the "Patriot Act."

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