
John Glaser: Iran Could Deploy Navy Near US Coast!

According to head of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari. "Like the arrogant powers that are present near our borders, we will also have a powerful presence close to American marine borders, Sayyari said on Tuesday, without giving specifics as to when such a deployment could happen, or the number or type of vessels to be used. For years the United States has patrolled a fleet of Navy warships off the Iranian coast in the Persian Gulf, something seen as threatening to Tehran. In last January, the Obama administration accelerated the deployment of military vessels off the Iranian coast and placed antimissile systems in at least four Arab countries neighboring Iran. Most notable is the US Navy's Fifth Fleet based in Bahrain, less than 160 miles off the Iranian coast, which directs operations in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and Arabian Sea and secures the Straits of Hormuz, through which 40percent of the world's seaborne oil passes. It is one of the largest military forces in the region, with over 40 vessels and close to 30,000 personnel. The Fifth Fleet consists of a Carrier Battle Group, which includes an aircraft carrier, two guided missile destroyers equipped for air warfare, a destroyer for submarine warfare, a frigate, two attack submarines, and a combined ammunition, oiler and supply ship. The Fifth Fleet also docks an Amphibious Ready Group, which consists of multiple other vessels, including aircraft carriers, attack helicopters, a Marine Air-Ground Task Force, and more.

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