
Stephen Lendman: Israel Resuming Peace Process Hypocrisy

On September 20, London Guardian writer Chris McGreal headlined, "Palestinian statehood: plan emerges to avoid UN showdown," saying: "Washington-led international efforts to forestall a showdown in the UN Security Council over the declaration of a Palestinian state are solidifying around a plan for Abbas to submit a request for recognition but put on hold while a new round of peace talks is launched." The plan also calls for establishing a timeline for creating a Palestinian state. In addition, it'll let Abbas go home, saying he got something, even with nothing to show for it. "However, diplomats warned that a number of issues remain unresolved, including a Palestinian demand that any deal includes halting settlement construction. On September 22, Netanyahu again refused, saying: "I did something that no previous government did. I actually froze any construction for ten months, waited nine month and one week, then Palestinians came and said, well, keep on freezing." In fact, construction never stopped. Israel's land grab continued. In many West Bank settlements, building proceeded apace. Dozens of construction sites remained active. Moreover, Netanyahu declared a moratorium, not a freeze. Peace Now.org assessed what went on eight months into it. It found construction ongoing for 600 more housing units in 60 settlements, and at least 492 others announced in direct violation of Netanyahu's pledge.

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