
Steven Hill: Israel's Short-sighted Opposition to Palestinian Statehood

Who would have imagined even a year ago that the Arab Spring would blow a fresh wind across the Middle East, opening minds and hearts to new possibilities. Now, in the next chapter of this remarkable story, the Palestinians are taking their quest for statehood to the United Nations. Perhaps no other issue in the Middle East packs as much symbolic value as this one, and holds as much potential as this one, and holds as much potential to be a catalyst for profound change. But the reactions of the US and Israeli governments are key to what happens next. Both should jettison their fears and old thinking, and embrace this wind of change. How? By boldly supporting the Palestinians' bid at the UN. The reason to do this is not only that it's undeniably the right thing to do morally, but also because it's a smart thing to do from Israel's economic standpoint. The Israeli economy is a mess, which has resulted in massive demonstrations and occupations of city centers by Israeli protesters that have crippled the domestic scene. On September 3, some 450,000 Israelis thronged the streets of Tel Aviv and three other towns, calling for affordable housing, cheaper basic food and better social services. Israel has much to gain from a peaceful and prosperous Middle East, as well as to contribute to it.

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