
Brother Nathaniel Kapner: The Holocaust As Convenient UN-History!!

Countless Allied War Crimes have been sequestered under the cover of the so-called 'Holocaust' which was allegedly perpetrated by National Socialist Germany. In a global quest to 'rescue Euro -pean Jewry' more than half a million civilians were killed in Allied bombings of German towns and cities alone, with at least 200,000 were literally "holocausted" in flames and fire storms, such as I experienced in Dresden, having to watch it from a nearby hill, from a farmhouse south of the city. The Jewish-dictated 'court historians' of the Jewish-created 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' have fixed the Dresden civilian deaths at 25,000, but I was there. After a long train-ride from Breslau, now called "Wroclaw, Poland", where our train was hunted by British and American warplanes, our locomotive stopped in a deep forest, and shut all of our boilers, so that there would be no steam filtering through the ancient and majestic trees. When we finally arrived in Dresden, we were greeted warmly by Red Cross nurses, who fed us delicious noodle soup. Since the mayor of Dresden feared allied air attacks on his city, he ordered us to continue toward a farm house south of that city, where my mother, grandmother, and I finally found refuge. Then came the heavy American and British bombers, the latter flying so close over our roof, that the enormous vibration completely destroyed the glass over a picture on our wall, its shards then littering the floor. To avoid the possibility that even our farm house might become a target for the US and British madness, all of us gathered outside its doors, and watched the obscene madness of Allied Terror. Since we had celebrated Christmas only a few days earlier, I began to sing "Stille Nacht" (Silent Night), while my mother and grandmother wept.

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