
Dave Hodges: The Great BP Gulf Coast Holocaust!

The horrible Gulf Coast Holocaust of April 20, 2010, also known as the BP oil spill, stands as the greatest ecological disaster in mankind's history! What has been labeled as a tragic accident by America's corporate "controlled" media, was anything but that! The four horsemen of that Apocalypse (Trans-ocean, British Petroleum, Halliburton and Goldman Sachs had demonstrable foreknowledge of the impending explosion on the Deep-water Horizon oil rig. Rather than alerting the authorities, the public and the employees stationed on the Deep-water Horizon oil rig of the impending disaster, they chose to remain silent and tried to position themselves to profit from the event, which resulted in 11 completely avoidable fatalities, as well as resulting in the ecological destruction of an entire region, with an ever-expanding perimeter of devastation! "Follow the money" is a familiar refrain when one wants to get the heart of a matter!" Greed was certainly a motivating factor for the collective criminal actions of "The Four Horsemen". However, this deplorable incident is not just a case of unrestrained greed. The Gulf oil spill consists of a combination of greed and utter stupidity, perhaps even the need to acquire unwarranted levels of power, leading to the establishment of of a "one world currency": Here is the lurid story of Trans-ocean's shady past: On the food chain of Gulf Coast co-conspirators, we see Transocean merely as a "bottom feeder", yet that criminal organization willingly served as a "perfect stooge", from which to do the bidding of a global elite (Read Goldman Sachs). Contrary to popular belief, BP did NOT own the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The real owner was a Trans-ocean, a proven criminal enterprise with a long history of the bribery of foreign governmental officials, tax fraud, tax evasion and falsifying records!

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