
Dog Poet: The Curious Nature of the Self-Chosen Few!

By this time it should be clearly apparent that the 96% Zionist controlled media lies full time and shapes the perception of events and conditions, according to its narrow agenda of ever greater c0- opting and control of the world's peoples and resources. If you don't know this and believe them, then you are co-opted and controlled, or consciously employed by them for whatever table scraps may fall from above, where they feast upon your fellows. I must say some things today that will be unappealing to some, and difficult for others. I will try to provide trends, circumstances, actions and sundry that will allow the reader to come to their own conclusions, rather than simply declare how things look to me: I'm providing no links, because I have provided the links already so many times, and if you can't go and find these things on your own, through any search engine, then you are incompetent or don't want to. In that case, you are only the mulch for the fertile fields of the future. The leaves beneath us are nameless. There is no need for their recognition beyond their genus and type, and that too is forgotten,in the time it takes for them to be reunited with their associates into common earth. We are seldom remembered for our capacity to acquire and consume, and when we are, it is due to the singular, outrageous evidence of the degree we took you to. Hilarious Clinton laughs at the alleged death of Khadaffi. Howdy Doody, Hilarious and the rest, preened at the zombie death of Bin Laden, and the sheer amount of lies in recent times are so great that it is impossible to list them. They continue apace. We have no real proof of the death of Khadaffi. Please be aware of that. It's one thing for the Zionist media to trumpet it, for whatever gain they believe it will bring them, in their efforts to consolidate all of the world's banks under their power, which is why they also want Iran but, for the alternative media to immediately begin acknowledging it as well is something else. I'm not saying he isn't dead. I'm saying these people lie like the air they breathe. It's what they do!

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