
Doug Wead: Ignoring Ron Paul Has Reached "Cosmic" Proportions!

Yesterday, Ron Paul won the Los Angeles County straw poll: He had more votes than Romney and Cain combined. It was a small gathering, but a confirmation of Paul's much larger victory in the California State Straw Poll last month, and like the California Poll, it was virtually ignored by the national media. They prefer to bask in denial and focus on Herman Cain's showing in the recent Florida straw poll, whose delegates were actually chosen last summer. The distorted media coverage or lack of coverage of presidential candidate Ron Paul can sometimes reach comic proportions: Yesterday, the New York Daily News solemnly told its readers that Herman Cain, having just raised $8 million, was third in fundraising in the Republican field, right behind Romney and Perry. Don't they wish. The truth is that Ron Paul is third, and he is a candidate that raised the $8 million, NOT Herman Cain. That's all right: Ron Paul supporters say: Keep it up! Nothing angers the "Paulistas"more than the flagrant favoritism and the manipulation of the media. On Oct. 19, the Paul campaign is calling its next fundraiser, "Black This Out", a sarcastic response to debate hosts who purposely exclude him, and blatantly promote their own favorites, regardless of the polls.

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