
Elizabeth Nicholas: Saddam Hussein Predicted in 1993 That America Would Overspend Disastrously on Foreign Wars!

When coalition forces marched into Baghdad in April of 2003, one of the many spoils of war were hundreds of hours of audio recordings between Saddam Hussein and his inner circle. In the forthcoming "Saddam Tapes: The Inner Workings of a Tyrant's Regime, 1978-2001, transcripts provide a rare glimpse into the dictator's inner monologue on everything from the Iran-Iraq War to relations with George W. Bush's administration and its ties to oil and gas companies. But it is a passage from a January 1993 meeting on relations with the incoming Clinton administration that offers perhaps the most penetrating look at Hussein's foresight and strategic acumen. In describing "the new international situation," the late Iraqi leader looks into the future, and analyzes American foreign policy, making predictions that in the intervening years, in part, have come to pass. Here, in an excerpted portion, he discusses the United States' foray into Somalia in the early 1990's: Saddam: "If the Americans continue such politics, they are going to face major troubles. Why would anyone want to elect an American? What did he say to him to influence him? He will probably say to him that he promises to improve the economic situation. How could he improve the economic situation with American soldiers spread all over the world? Their economy will never improve with the expenses they spent in the Gulf and in Europe. They spent $68 billion in the Gulf, and in Europe they spent $128 billion! If America does not withdraw its troops from all over the world, its economy could never improve! Sic transit gloria mundi!!!

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