
Joseph Farah: Ron Paul's Got It Just About Right!

Rep. Ron Paul has offered one of the boldest plans for returning the nation to constitutionally limited government I have seen in my lifetime. It's even better than what Ronald Reagan proposed in the 198os. Paul notes correctly that the US government is spending in excess of $1 trillion more than than what Ronald Reagan proposed in the 1980's. Paul notes correctly that the US govern ment is spending in excess of of $1 trillion more than the revenues it takes in from income taxes, gasoline taxes, Social Security taxes, tariffs, fees, interest and every other source. Paul's solution is simple. Instead of borrowing more and more to keep up with government growth, cut spending to keep up with revenues. Many have suggested that it's a radical idea, extremist and irresponsible. They say it will result in Americans dying in the streets. They paint all kinds of dire imagery, people starving, children begging. You get the picture. For my part, I say it's a good start. I can't wait for phase two! Government isn't saving people's lives, in fact, it's ruining them. The bureaucracies have become self-perpetuating by encouraging government dependency, by persuading citizens and non-citizens alike they are entitled to food, health-care, housing, education and every other blessed thing, just because they are breathing.

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