
Libya: The Other News - Khamis al-Qathafi, a XXI Century Marshall Zhukov!

NATO and the press in the countries which house its bases seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden on Libya. Do they want us to think the war is over, and that everything is getting back to "normal", or are they trying to focus on other stories, hoping desperately that whatever is happening over there will go away? The first point is that nothing will go back to "normal", or are they trying to focus on other stories, hoping desperately that whatever is happening over there will go away? The first point is that nothing will go back to "normal" until the marauding bunch of terrorists which NATO is trying to impose as Libya's Government wholly and entirely against the will of the vast majority of its population ceases to rape women and children, ceases to torch buildings, ceases to decapitate people in the streets, ceases to loot, to rob, to steal, in other words, to behave as terrorists. Those captured by the Libyan Armed Forces (LAF) are allowed in many cases to return home, upon laying down their weapons. Cameron is spending two billion pounds on what? Terrorists? The second point is that things are far from calm in Libya, because the country was invaded by foreign forces, was invaded by mercenaries and was set upon by gangs of marauding thugs (as one can see by googling up "Libya rebels"). In fact, the western attempts at journalism are risible, and have gotten more and more ludicrous, absurd and ridiculous since the conflict started. The supply lines of the terrorist forces have been seriously weakened in a series of attacks, liberating areas of Tripoli from these elements, some of whom have been filmed desecrating bodies. For his part, Khamis al-Kathafi is already a myth in his own lifetime. Killed by NATO five times, and resurrected from the desert sands, he is the 21st century military hero, a North African Marshall Zhukov!

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