
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. The Us Led Bogus Wars on Terrorism!!

The UNO -a global institution of formal HOPE for mankind, failed to stop the powerful aggressors in their plans to invade Iraq and Afghanistan for purely strategic-political domination, and to occupy the natural resources. The UNO's inaction and inability to fulfill its mandate of the Charter has made it a redundant organization simply to rejoin the historical failure of the League of the Nations - a complete failure in contemporary history, from the working of the UN to the global adventures in contemporary history, from the UN to the global organizations such as NATO, the UN Security Council, the EU and other security establishments. They supposedly exist to protect the self-interests of the so-called Five Superpowers, as has been the case throughout human history. E.H. Carr foresaw the teaching and learning role, but the "modern" superpowers seem devoid of learning from previous history. NATO was chartered for the collective defense of its member states, in order to thwart a communist war in Europe, not to begin a war in Iraq and Afghanistan or Pakistan. As always, it has been turned against more easily conquered areas that supposedly make war for terrorism.

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