
Pravda: Nations Condemn Cuba Blockade!

While the United States intensified its economic blockade against Cuban trade and finance, the UN General Assembly advanced a new condemnation almost unanimously against this siege, the twentieth in 20 consecutive years. The topic will be considered by the highest organ of the United Nations next Tuesday, when it will vote on a resolution that will insist lifting the measures put in place for almost 50 years. A similar document was adopted last year in the same plenary session by 187 countries, as opposed to only the votes and abstentions from the United States and Israel, and of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. The theme was explained in detail in a report distributed here under the title "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba." In this text, the Cuban govern- ment maintains that US Measures against the Caribbean island persist and intensify despite increasing demand and imperatives of the international community for its elimination. It also underlines that the current US government has taken some positive steps, but that they are insufficient and limited and not intended to change the intent of any laws, regulations and provisions that make up the policy of the blockade against Cuba.

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