
PressTV: US Will Regret Any Anti-Iran Move!

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warns the US and its allies against any unwise action against Tehran, stressing that such a move would receive a strong response from Iran. The Leader was referring to Washington's accusations regarding Iran's alleged involvement in a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, with help from a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel. "If US authorities are harboring certain fantasies they should know that inappropriate moves, whether political or security in nature, will receive a decisive response from the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to thousands of students and academics in the western city if Kermanshah. The Leader said that the US had created the recent hype to overshadow the spread of the Occupy Wall Street protests in its cities. "The people of at least 80 countries have supported this advancing movement, and this is very bitter and difficult for US authorities," IRNA reported on Sunday. Ayatollah Khamenei also touched upon US efforts to crack down on the protests, saying,"They (the US administration) might suppress the movement with (the aid of) police forces and the army, but it will not be over." The Leader said the real source of the problems of Western nations is the submission of Western leaders to Zionism. Ayatollah Khamenei said the day that Western nations realize this Zionist influence, "the flames of their wrath will scorch the arrogant (powers) capitalism and turn it to ash."

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