
Richard Walker: Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage

A leading Japanese journalist recently made two incredible claims about the Fukushima power plant that suffered a nuclear meltdown in March 2011, sending shock-waves around the world. First, the former editor of a national newspaper in Japan says the US and Israel knew Fukushima had weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were exposed to the atmosphere after a massive tsunami wave hit the reactor. Second, he contends that Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan's support of an independent Palestinian state. According to Yoishi Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan Times Weekly, these nuclear materials were shipped to the plant in 2007 on the orders of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, with the connivance of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The shipment was in the form of warhead cores, secretly removed from the US nuclear warheads facility BWXT Plantex near Amarillo, Texas. While acting as the middleman, Israel transported warheads from the port of Houston, and in the process kept the best ones, while giving the Japanese older warhead cores that had to be further enriched at Fukushima. Shimatsu credits retired CIA agent and mercenary Roland Vincent Carnaby with learning the warheads were being transported from Houston. In a strange twist, Carnaby was mysteriously shot dead less than a year later by Houston police at a traffic stop. He was shot once in the back and once in the chest. He did not have a weapon in his hands. Intelligence sources said he had been tracking a Mossad unit that was smuggling US plutonium out of Houston docks for an Israeli nuclear reactor. In an even more explosive charge, the journalist says that that 20 minutes before the Fukushima plant's nuclear meltdown, Israel was so upset with Japanese support for a Palestinian declaration of statehood, that it double-crossed Japan by unleashing the Stuxnet virus on the plant's computers. The virus hampered the shut- down, leading to fallout from a section of the plant housing uranium and plutonium retrieved from the warheads supplied in 2007.

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