
Stephen Lendman: America's Multi-Headed Monster

It combines and represents: money power in private hands to make more of it at the public's expense, super-wealth and privilege, one-party rule - corrupted money party duopoly power, and major media managed news, not real information and analysis. Angry street protesters nationwide must understand and focus on these, and above issues. Achieving social justice depends on it. Basic information on how America has been run from inception is also essential. It was established as a government of men, not laws. Then and now, democracy was illusory, not real. Constitutional language about "We the people of the United States" was manipulative deception. In fact, only white property owners mattered, a small minority. They alone were enfranchised. Others were entirely shut out. Women were considered appendages of their husbands and child bearers, nothing else. Blacks were commodities, not people. In 1865 they were freed, in 1870 enfranchised. It hardly mattered until passage of the mid-1960s Civil and Voting Rights Acts. Even then and now they haven't worked as believed. Religious prerequisites existed until 1810. Property owner enfranchisement lasted until 1850. Voters couldn't elect senators until 1913. Women couldn't vote until 1920. Native Americans couldn't until enfranchised by the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act. Poll tax requirements existed until 1966. It hardly matters now with corporate-manipulated electronic machines voting, not citizens. It's worse because voters have no choice. Duopoly power prevents it. The electoral process is kabuki theater. Major media and PR scoundrels manipulate the public mind. Everything is pre-scripted and pre-packaged. Secrecy and back room deals substitute for a free, fair and open process. Candidates are pre-selected. Big money owns them.

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