
Stephen Lendman: NATO Brussels Summit Claims Successful Afghan, Libyan Campaigns

Despite NATO claims, Libyans heroically keep resisting overwhelming genocidal slaughter, but NATO measures its success by body count: It far exceeds 100,000, and many more injured, with some life-threatening, others debilitating. In a country of six million people, the catastrophic numbers are horrific. If America experienced an equivalent toll, with 50 times Libya's population, it would be an unprecedented disaster, including over five million dead and 25 million wounded. At its October 5 and 6 Brussels summit, NATO calls this a "success". Washington Post writer Craig Whitlock headlined: "NATO puts off decision on ending Libya operations," saying: On Thursday, NATO leaders said "they would continue in Libya, patrolling its coastline, because of ongoing resistance from forces loyal to Gaddafi". In fact, loyalists are besting NATO's blitzkrieg in cities, towns and villages across Libya, including in Tripoli Benghazi, and other major areas which media scoundrels had already reported as "secure". As a result, NATO's campaign may continue for years like Afghanistan, despite the pronouncements of secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen, saying: "Our operations in Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere demonstrate that NATO is the "indispensable Alliance."

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