
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey: Obama! Why don't you mind Your Own Business??

I think I can rightfully say that I speak for billions of people around the world, including a growing number in the US, when I ask why the leadership in the United States of America -NOT KENYA, where you were apparently born, does not simply mind its own business and concentrate on setting its own house in order, instead of spending billions of US taxpayers' money selling wars and supporting terrorists. How dare President Obama mention Muammar al-Qathafi and talk about dictators in one and the same breath. Did Gaddafi invade Iraq? Did Gaddafi 's forces commit sodomy and torture at Abu Ghraib prison? Did Gaddafi breach the UN Charter? Did Gaddafi breach the Geneva Conventions? Did Gaddafi aid and abet separatist forces in the USA? Did Gaddafi side with racists, rapists, looters, arsonists, murderers, terrorists, thieves and vandals? Did Gaddafi install a Sharia State at the gateway to Europe? Does Obama know what the Jamahiriya system is? If the citizens of the United States of America would like to read and study Gaddafi's Green Book, and the Jamahiriya system, a system of egalitarian people's congresses, where communities choose what they need, and the government works for the people, maybe they will find a better alternative to the system they have, where a clique of elitists in Washington run the show, the rich get richer, the have nots have less every day, in a country which obviously does not work.

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