
Vince Ryan: 9-11 Anniversary Refutes Federal Lies!!!

Big media's recent "day of remembrance," with its funeral music and solemn intonation of tele -vision and and entertainment personalities, solidified lies into establishment dogma. But as AFP has shown since 2001, in plain English, the horrors of 9-11 most certainly didn't occur in the way many Americans were led to believe. The September 5, 2011 issue of AFP, gives you the latest information on those tragic attacks, to inform yourself and others about what really happened, why and by whom, on 9-11. In this anniversary issue, AFP's assignment editor Victor Thorn, author of five cutting-edge books on 9-11, along with other ace writers, such as Pat Shannan, Keith Johnson, Frank Whalen, Michael Langston, Peter Papaheracles, Mark Hightower and Keith Hansen, assert that the architects of the Sept. 11 mass murder created this "Pearl Harbor-like" grand illusion to lay a foundation for huge monetary profits. Among those would be the undeclared, never-ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, where killing-field corpses would be stacked by the hundreds of thousands, and opium poppies would grow again. The AFP writers mince no words and call the perpetrators what they are: MASS MURDERERS, "monstrous people responsible for these crimes against humanity". But they also show how the so-called Muslim terrorists are a red herring for the REAL master criminals. Thorn and company also provide eyewitness accounts debunking the official tale, that a plane hit the US military nerve center, the Pentagon. Cui bono: There is the strange case of Larry Silverstein, owner of the lease on the World Trade Center, who cashed in on the many insurance policies he held on the property. Silverstein received $ 4.56 billion in payouts, as a result of the Sept. 11 attack. Radio and talk-show host Frank Whalen tells the whole sordid story, in which Silverstein's company took over the dilapidated WTC, which was facing high vacancy rates as well as millions of dollars in asbestos cleanup costs. The corporate media alleged that Arab hijackers caused the destruction of the World Trade Center towers, but 9-11 was strictly a Jewish enterprise. Victor Thorn's new book: "Made in Israel: 9-11 and the Jewish Plot against America", making the case that the attack had to have been orchestrated from Israel. After all, Israel had the most to gain from 9-11. American enemies of freedom, such as George W. Bush also profited from the disaster, but the Muslim world gained nothing at all!

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