
Wayne Madsen: Israel Continues to Rely on Polemics!!!

Faced with Palestine's bid for statehood and recognition as an independent state, after decades of of an Israeli military occupation, and expanding illegal settlements of occupied territory, unrecognized as Israel by every other nation in the world, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu used his address to the United Nations General Assembly as an occasion to insist that the West Bank was historically the Jewish lands of Judea and Samara. Netanyahu further inflamed passions by insisting that the West Bank was historically the Jewish land of Judea and Samara. Netanyahu further inflamed passions by insisting that an independent Palestine would be demilitarized and occupied by Israeli military bases. Netanyahu for Israel claimed the right for Israel to maintain "defined military sites" in the West Bank, using as examples US military bases in post-World War II Japan, Germany, and South Korea, a British air base in Cyprus, and French bases in three African countries, as a template for a disjointed Palestinian state totally subservient to Israeli control of its territory, air space, and sea coasts. The Israeli leader's reference to to permanent foreign military bases established by colonial and neo- colonial powers in conquered nations and former colonies provides a clue as to what he has in mind for Palestine!!!

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