
AboveTopSecret: ATS- T

The real reason behind the overthrow of Moammar Gadaffi's government are exposed: Under orders from a cabal of international bankers, the CIA trained and equipped al-Qaeda terrorists and set them on the path of revolution that ended with a new Libyan Central Bank and the black flag of al-Qaeda flying over the Benghazi courthouse. Assisted by NATO forces and Qatari Army soldiers, and supplied with weapons by the Qataris, these al-Qaeda terrorists succeeded in removing the Libyan leader from power before brutally murdering him. Now, as the "legitimate" government of Libya, the NTC is waging a genocide against black Libyans, African guest workers, members of Gadaffi's tribe, and his supporters. You'll never see this in the Mainstream Media! In other news, Bobby speaks with Nate Wessler, Senior Fellow of the ACLU's National Security Project. Mr. Wessler's field of expertise is the practice of "Targeted Assassinations," which are being used against those individuals whom President Obama has deemed a threat to national security. In this interview, Wessler states the ACLU's position that the President has unlawfully assumed the mantle of "Judge, Jury, and Executioner," and the civil rights organization is "deeply troubled" about US citizens being targeted for assassination without any type of judicial review or Congressional oversight. In this latest version of Street View, our team heads back to the streets of New York to see if people are aware of "Chemtrails" and the related conspiracies. While the idea of chemically infused contrails spark a lot of debate, very few people have actually heard of them.

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