
Henry Makow Ph.D.: Nazi Germany and Freemasons!

During the period from 1940 and 1944, Harvard-educated historian, Bernard Fay, a member of the "College de France", and Director of the National Library, headed an investigative unit that rooted out Freemasons. Working for Vichy President Philippe Petain and the Gestapo, Bernard Fay compiled a list of 170,000 Freemasons, of whom 989 were sent to concentration camps, where 549 were shot, and about 3000 lost their jobs. All Freemasons were required by law to declare themselves to authorities. Fay also seized the secret archives from the Grand Orient in Paris, and from Masonic lodges throughout the country. He compiled the information at the Biblioteque National, and edited a monthly journal, Les Documents Maconniques. The lead articles had titles like "Freemasonry and the Corruption of Morals." "Freemasonry Against the State," and "The Masonic Lie." In 1943, Fay produced a film entitled "Forces Occultes", which depicted Masonic subversion world wide. The film recounts the life of a young Congressman, who joins the Freemasons in order to re-launch his career. He thus learns how Illuminati Jewish finance in England and the US used Freemasonry to involve France in a war against Germany. The Director Jean Mamy was executed as a collaborator in 1949.

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