
Pravda: Thanksgiving: From Noble Origins to Pig-Out Fest.

Hoe many Americans, as they sit stuffing themselves stupid around their Thanksgiving meal table, insulting the noble principles of Christianity or Islam, or Judaism by invoking God's name and praising the US Armed Forces for their acts of murder overseas, know the origins of this festivity? The contrast could not be more striking: Between three hundred million Americans sitting around their meal tables, stuffing themselves with turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, washed down with liters of beer or carbonated fizzy drinks gaping open-mouthed and mindless at the TV set, watching the football game, with a slither of spit dribbling down their bloated chins, occasionally bursting into ra, ra, ra! choruses of jingoistic orgasms as they celebrate the 'heroic' feats of their boys overseas, cowards who murder innocent children from 30,000 feet as they implemented by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, after George Washington had stipulated that the National Day of Thanksgiving for Independence should be November 26,are not very different from the festivals celebrated by Europe around the same time of the year. As for Thanksgiving, the story goes that the first European settlers arrived in Massachusetts too late to begin a harvest, and half of them starved to death or died from disease. Seeing their plight, the native Americans from the Iroquois tribe helped them by teaching them to hunt and fish, and the growing of crops peculiar to that region. Among the crops were maize, pumpkins, beans and barley. The first harvest in the autumn of 1621 was so bountiful, that the new settlers threw a feast, inviting one hundred Native Americans and their chief, preparing dishes with the crops they had harvested.

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