
Russell D. Longcore: What Are Unalienable Rights?

I don't think I've ever seen an expansive article about unalienable rights. We all seem to just refer to the Declaration of Independence and what Jefferson wrote, and then defer to it. But natural law and unalienable rights are where it all starts. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights .... Self-Evident. Obvious. Perhaps it was self-evident to the 18th Century common man, but I submit to you that the common 21st Century mind is not equally equipped. Much of the wisdom of the ages has been withheld from the modern man by the government schools. And why not? If you are a government, both tasked by The People to educate them and controlled by the same People, why teach generation after generation how to control you? Why not teach those generations how to be controlled? Self-evident truths bow to governmental self-preservation. Building a tower requires building a firm foundation FIRST, or your tower goes over when the winds blow hard. Gentle readers, we're in a CAT 5 hurricane right now, that's going to take down our American tower. If you do not have a working understanding of unalienable rights, you'll likely fall for the next iteration of oppressive, tyrannical government foisted upon an uneducated populace who move their lips when they read.

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