
Stephen Lendman: America's Imperial Arrogance!

Already waging multiple direct and proxy wars, will Obama dare launch more? Views differ! Some believe budget constraints contain him. Others say, imperial aims matter most. Heading into an election year adds further complications for and against more war. Will presidential aspirants anger voters advocating it? Republican hawks are not worried. Will Obama launch it, when public sentiment wants the current ones ended? Don't bet against it, whatever he says! With growing rage against the system, changing the subject may work best by distracting it. At issue is hoping fear, will resonate more than human need and grievances. Fake threats provide pretexts for militarism, wars, occupations, higher defense budgets, domestic repression, and elevating our national security state's priorities above all other concerns. America has become a "rogue terror state", an imperial predator. Unchallenged global dominance is planned. All nations it does not control are targeted. It was Saddam's undoing, as well as Gaddafi's to believe that the US is merely a benign despotic land. Unchallenged global dominance, partly to feed his hungry "military industrial complex", which continues to feed at the presidential trough.

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